Rhonda Patrick on Joe Rogan
Very scientifically informed on a range of personal health issues, not only related to COVID-19.
Joe Rogan Experience #1474 — Dr. Rhonda Patrick 126:
1h24m: Decompression machines to relieve sciatica:
- Reverse Hyper
- Teeter Dexx2
Other recommendations:
- Xylitol gum (or toothpaste) — repairs cavities. Neuro gum for example.
- Kamboocha ginger-lemon
- Kimchi microbiome MotherInLaws (?)
- Zinc
- Sleep apnoea — Brian Karopian mouthpiece, needs fitting
- Philips UV red light
Other contents noted by Ryan ONeil in the YouTube comments:
“A few of the topics and studies mentioned in this episode include… 00:00:57 — Previous exposure to various viruses affects the immune response to novel viruses. 00:02:48 — Between 50–80% of the US population has had CMV infection by the age of 40 and most do not show any symptoms. 1 00:03:55 — CMV infection has been shown to modify the immune system. Infection in healthy young people could enhance the immune response to the influenza vaccine while older adults have a blunted immune response to influenza vaccine. 1, 2, 3, 4 00:06:40 — At any given time, an individual carries antibodies to about 10 different viral species. 1 00:07:28 — Coronaviruses are responsible for 15–30% of common colds. 1, 2 00:08:00 — SARS-CoV-1 can generate neutralizing antibodies against HCoV-OC43 which could offer cross-immunity and HCoV-OC43 can generate cross-reactive antibodies against SARS-CoV-1. 1 00:08:20 — Antibodies for HCoV-OC43, one of the coronaviruses responsible for the common cold, were found to cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. 1, 2 00:10:40 — CDC study in elderly home showing that most people who are “asymptomatic” are actually presymptomatic. 1 00:13:55 — Antibodies from Llamas Could Help in Fight Against COVID-19. 00:17:18 — Antibody-dependent enhancement is when the immune system creates antibodies that can cause a more severe reinfection instead of protection. 1 00:18:50 — In 1967 the RSV vaccine caused an antibody-dependent enhancement in toddlers and caused worse respiratory disease and death. 1 00:19:30 — There have been reports of antibody-dependent enhancement in both SARS-CoV-1 and MERS 1, 2, 3 00:21:42 — Asians were more commonly found to have a genetic predisposition that confers resistance against a strain of SARS-CoV-2 that is common in Europe and North America. 1 00:22:28 — FoundMyFitness genetic report. 00:22:51 — The location of the mutation on this strain of SARS-CoV-2 was also implicated in antibody-dependent enhancement with the original SARS-CoV-1 virus. 1 00:24:32 — Type O blood is less likely to get infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), 1 00:29:32 — Beginning of Vitamin D discussion. 00:29:32 — In the Philippines, every standard deviation increase in serum vitamin D was associated with an 8 times more likely chance to have a mild rather than severe COVID-19 outcome and a 20 times more likely chance to have a mild rather than critical outcome. 1 00:30:37 — In Indonesia, 98.9% of patients with vitamin D deficiency died, 88% of patients with vitamin D insufficiency died but only 4% of patients with sufficient vitamin D died. 1 00:31:21 — Approximately 70% of the US has either deficiency vitamin D or what is known as insufficiency. 1 00:33:51 — People of black ethnicity are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 than white people in England and Wales even after accounting for differences in some confounding factors. 1 00:37:16 — Obese individuals have greater than 50% less bioavailability of vitamin D compared to non-obese individual and are 3 times more likely to be vitamin D deficient. 1, 2 00:37:28 — Vitamin D regulates over 5% of the human protein-encoding genome. 1 00:39:04 — Mendelian randomization studies show that genetically low plasma vitamin D levels are associated with a higher mortality from respiratory infections. 1, 2 00:39:49 — Daily or weekly supplementation of vitamin D reduced the risk of acute respiratory infection by more than 50% in people with the lowest baseline vitamin D levels. People with higher baseline vitamin D levels also benefited, although the effect was more modest (10 percent risk reduction). 1 00:40:23 — The upper limit of safety for vitamin D supplementation is set at 4,000 IU/ day but studies have shown 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for one year had no adverse effects and no hypercalcemia. 1, 2 00:41:14 — Meta-analysis showing vitamin D plus vitamin K can increase bone mineral density while not causing blood vessel calcification 1 00:44:24 — Although ACE2 is necessary for the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the cell, having less ACE2 may increase the risk of severe disease. 1 00:44:53 — When the active form of vitamin D was administered before lung injury, it protected from acute lung injury by helping to balance the renin-angiotensin-system by increasing ACE2 levels and down-regulating renin. 1 00:46:10 — Vitamin D normalizes ACE2 receptor levels in situations where it is downregulated in animal studies not in control animals.1, 2, 3 00:46:20 — Human recombinant soluble ACE2 reduced the SARS-CoV-2 infection in engineered human organoid tissues. 1 00:53:33 — Vitamin D supplementation for 16 weeks caused 2 year reduction in epigenetic aging in African Americans. 1 00:55:55 — Beginning of Vitamin C discussion. 00:58:01–3 grams of oral vitamin C produces a transient maximum of 220 micromolar vitamin C in the blood. 1 01:01:40 — Intravenous vitamin C can form hydrogen peroxide in the blood which kills pathogens but does not damage normal cells. 1 01:04:15 — Intravenous Vitamin C may reduce the mortality in sepsis patients. 1, 2 01:07:25 — A meta-analysis of 23 clinical studies involving more than 6,000 participants found that supplementation of at least 2 grams per day of vitamin C during a cold had a greater benefit compared to a dose of 1 gram per day. 1 01:08:20 — Lower doses of vitamin C only have a modest effect on preventing the common cold by around 4%. 1 01:09:25 — Taking vitamin C before the onset of symptoms is more effective than once symptoms have already begun. 1 01:11:00 — Animal and human studies have shown vitamin C increases fat burning. 1, 2 01:11:23 — Beginning of Zinc discussion. 01:12:12 — Transient deficiency in zinc causes dysfunction in immune T-cells. 1 01:12:24 — Zinc lozenges can reduce the length of the common cold up to 40%. 1 01:13:26 — Quercetin has been reported to block the entry of SARS-CoV-1 into host cells. 1 01:14:41 — Quercetin as a potential senolytic 1 01:16:12 — Beginning of sauna discussion. 01:18:00 — Sauna use improves cardiovascular exercise. 1 01:22:58 — Joe recommends exercises to Rhonda for stretching the lower back and relieving sciatic pain. 01:33:23 — Rhonda’s interview with Charles Raison showing the antidepressive effects of whole-body hyperthermia. 01:37:00 — Rhonda’s first Finnish sauna experience. 01:47:15 — BDNF and synaptic plasticity, cognitive function, and dysfunction. 01:48:06 — Hot baths with a heat of 104ºF for 30 minutes have antidepressive effects. 1 01:49:49 — Heat shock proteins play an important role in preventing muscle atrophy, neurodegenerative diseases and depression. 1, 2, 3 01:51:20–163ºF sauna for 30 minutes increased heat shock proteins by 50%. In addition, 104F hot baths for 1 hour from the waist down also increased heat shock proteins . 1, 2 01:55:18 — Cold and hot therapy have been shown to boost immune cell numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 02:00:05 — Sauna use 4–7 times a week was associated with 40% reduction in all-cause mortality. 1 02:12:22 — Low viral dose of influenza was less likely to cause symptoms but still provide immunity. 1 02:17:39 — Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected children are as contagious as symptomatic children.1 02:23:58 — Using the sauna 1–2 times per a week for 3 months reduced the incidence of common colds. 1 02:24:30 — Men who used the sauna two to three times weekly were 27 percent less likely to develop pneumonia than those who used the sauna once weekly or not at all. Men who used the sauna four to seven times weekly were 41 percent less likely to develop pneumonia compared to infrequent or non-users. 1 02:25:17 — Heat shock proteins have also been shown to directly inhibit viral activity and replication of influenza virus A. 1 02:34:30 — Chewing xylitol gum decreases oral bacteria that cause cavities like streptococcus mutans without having an effect on beneficial oral bacteria. 1 02:37:05 — Mothers that chew xylitol gum starting mid-pregnancy and continuing until 6–12 months after birth lowered the oral streptococcus mutan bacteria, which is an anaerobic bacteria that plays a significant role in tooth decay, in their toddlers/children. 1, 2 02:40:00 — Errata: Streptococcus mutans, not staphylococcus mutans. 02:46:45 — High-level summary of factors that may alter or, ideally, improve immune function. 02:47:31 — Rhonda’s personal experience with night terrors and Joe’s personal experience with sleep apnea. 02:55:37 — Reducing blue light exposure in the evening can improve natural melatonin production and sleep quality.”